Android Studio Flutter Sdk Path

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How to configure Flutter SDK? How to locate the Flutter SDK? I don't know the location of the SDK file. My First Flutter Android Studio tutorial. You will learn how to install flutter in android studio in windows, also know how to create a flutter project and open existing flutter project.

  • Manual integration
    • Add the Flutter module as a dependency

Flutter can be embedded into your existing Androidapplication piecemeal, as a source code Gradlesubproject or as AARs.

The integration flow can be done using the Android StudioIDE with the Flutter plugin or manually.

Warning: Your existing Android app may support architectures such as mips or x86. Flutter currently only supports building ahead-of-time (AOT) compiled libraries for x86_64, armeabi-v7a and arm64-v8a.

Consider using the abiFilters Android Gradle Plugin API to limit the supported architectures in your APK. Doing this avoids a missing runtime crash, for example:

The Flutter engine has an x86 and x86_64 version. When using an emulator in debug Just-In-Time (JIT) mode, the Flutter module still runs correctly.

Using Android Studio

The Android Studio IDE is a convenient way of integratingyour Flutter module automatically. With Android Studio,you can co-edit both your Android code and your Flutter codein the same project. You can also continue to use your normalIntelliJ Flutter plugin functionalities such as Dart codecompletion, hot reload, and widget inspector.

Add-to-app flows with Android Studio are only supported onAndroid Studio 3.6 with version 42+ of the Flutter pluginfor IntelliJ. The Android Studio integration also onlysupports integrating using a source code Gradle subproject,rather than using AARs. See below for more details onthe distinction.

Using the File > New > New Module… menu inAndroid Studio in your existing Android project,you can either create a new Flutter module to integrate,or select an existing Flutter module that was created previously.

If you create a new module, you can use a wizard toselect the module name, location, and so on.

The Android Studio plugin automatically configures yourAndroid project to add your Flutter module as a dependency,and your app is ready to build.

Note: To see the changes that were automatically made to your Android project by the IDE plugin, consider using source control for your Android project before performing any steps. A local diff shows the changes.

Tip: By default, your project's Project pane is probably showing the ‘Android' view. If you can't see your new Flutter files in the Project pane, ensure that your Project pane is set to display ‘Project Files', which shows all files without filtering.

Your app now includes the Flutter module as a dependency.You can jump to the Adding a Flutter screen to an Android appto follow the next steps.

Manual integration

To integrate a Flutter module with an existing Android appmanually, without using Flutter's Android Studio plugin,follow these steps:

Android Studio Flutter Sdk Path

Create a Flutter module

Let's assume that you have an existing Android app atsome/path/MyApp, and that you want your Flutterproject as a sibling:

This creates a some/path/my_flutter/ Flutter module projectwith some Dart code to get you started and an .android/hidden subfolder. The .android folder contains anAndroid project that can both help you run a barebonesstandalone version of your Flutter module via flutter runand it's also a wrapper that helps bootstrap the Fluttermodule an embeddable Android library.

Note: Add custom Android code to your own existing application's project or a plugin, not to the module in .android/. Changes made in your module's .android/ directory won't appear in your existing Android project using the module.

Do not source control the .android/ directory since it's autogenerated. Before building the module on a new machine, run flutter pub get in the my_flutter directory first to regenerate the .android/ directory before building the Android project using the Flutter module.

Note: To avoid Dex merging issues, flutter.androidPackage should not be identical to your host app's package name

Java 8 requirement

The Flutter Android engine uses Java 8 features.

Before attempting to connect your Flutter module projectto your host Android app, ensure that your host Androidapp declares the following source compatibility within yourapp's build.gradle file, under the android { }block, such as:

Add the Flutter module as a dependency

Next, add the Flutter module as a dependency of yourexisting app in Gradle. There are two ways to achieve this.The AAR mechanism creates generic Android AARs asintermediaries that packages your Flutter module.This is good when your downstream app builders don'twant to have the Flutter SDK installed. But,it adds one more build step if you build frequently.

The source code subproject mechanism is a convenientone-click build process, but requires the Flutter SDK.This is the mechanism used by the Android Studio IDE plugin.

Option A - Depend on the Android Archive (AAR)

This option packages your Flutter library as a generic localMaven repository composed of AARs and POMs artifacts.This option allows your team to build the host app withoutinstalling the Flutter SDK. You can then distribute theartifacts from a local or remote repository.

Let's assume you built a Flutter module atsome/path/my_flutter, and then run:

Then, follow the on-screen instructions to integrate.

More specifically, this command creates(by default all debug/profile/release modes)a local repository, with the following files:

To depend on the AAR, the host app must be ableto find these files.

To do that, edit app/build.gradle in your host appso that it includes the local repository and the dependency:

Important: If you're located in China, use a mirror site such as https://[a mirror site]/ rather than the domain directly. See our Using Flutter in China page for information on mirrors.

Tip: You can also build an AAR for your Flutter module in Android Studio using the Build > Flutter > Build AAR menu.

Your app now includes the Flutter module as a dependency. You can follow the next steps in the Adding a Flutter screen to an Android app.

Option B - Depend on the module's source code

This option enables a one-step build for both yourAndroid project and Flutter project. This option isconvenient when you work on both parts simultaneouslyand rapidly iterate, but your team must install theFlutter SDK to build the host app.

Tip: By default, the host app provides the :app Gradle project. To change the name of this project, set flutter.hostAppProjectName in the Flutter module's file. Finally, include this project in the host app's settings.gradle file mentioned below.

Include the Flutter module as a subproject in the host app'ssettings.gradle:

Assuming my_flutter is a sibling to MyApp.

The binding and script evaluation allows the Flutter]module to include itself (as :flutter) and anyFlutter plugins used by the module (as :package_info,:video_player, etc) in the evaluation context ofyour settings.gradle.

Introduce an implementation dependency on the Fluttermodule from your app:

Your app now includes the Flutter module as a dependency.You can follow the next steps in the Adding a Flutter screen to an Android app.

Flutter is Google's own framework for cross-platform mobile development. It was built using Dart, a portable and easily scalable Google programming language. Most efficient in the development of Android and iOS apps, Dart also has the same abstraction level as Javascript, which makes developing its apps to the Web effortless.

This section will help you get started with Foxit PDF SDK for Android and the Flutter plugin on Windows.

System Requirements

  • Foxit PDF SDK 6.2.1 or higher
  • Flutter 1.0.0 or higher

Note: The version of Foxit PDF SDK for Android should match the version of the ‘flutter-foxitpdf‘ that you choose and download.


Install Flutter 1.0.0

Please refer to Flutter official Getting Started page to install, set up and editor and create a Flutter Project.

Integrate Foxit PDF SDK for Android

This section will help you to quickly build a full-featured PDF Reader in Android platform using Flutter. How to open rar file on macbook air. For these steps, make sure you have created a Flutter project called ‘testflutter' and it is functional in your chosen IDE.

Download Foxit PDF SDK for Android package, extract it, and follow the steps below:

  • Copy the following files (libraries and licenses) in the 'libs' folder of the extracted package to testflutterandroidlibs directory:
  1. FoxitRDK.aar
  2. FoxitRDKUIExtensions.aar
  3. RMSSDK-4.2-release.aar
  4. rms-sdkui.aar
  5. rdk_key.txt
  6. rdk_sn.txt
  • Add the dependencies to your Flutter project in ‘testflutter/pubspec.yaml':
  • Adjust the ‘testflutter/android/build.gradle' file:
  • Adjust the testflutter/android/app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml file.
  • Replace ‘lib/main.dart', see Usage section for more information on this step.
  • Replace YOUR_RDK_SN and YOUR_RDK_KEY with your own license (rdk_key.txt, rdk_sn.txt):

Plugin Usage

  • In the 'lib/main.dart' file, you can import the plugin using the following code:
  • Then, call the function below to open a PDF document:
  • Update the 'lib/main.dart' file as below, which displays Foxit PDF SDK for Android PDFReader and opens a PDF document:

Run the Project

You can run this project in Android Studio or by using the command below:

Before running this command, you need to set up the device or emulator first.

Android Studio Flutter Sdk Path Not Given

After running the project successfully, the 'complete_pdf_viewer_guide_android.pdf' document will be displayed as in figure 1-1:

How to fix camera on macbook. Figure 1-1

Note: You may also clone the plugin and run example in the project. In that case, you need to copy the libs to the example/libs folder.

API Reference

Initialize Foxit PDF SDK

Flutter Sdk Path Not Given

Open a PDF document

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Android Studio Flutter Sdk Path

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